Fidar Gostar Elena Company
Fidar Gostar Elena Company was registered with registration number 532104 in 2018 and intends to register the company for better relations between manufacturers and traders around the world. The company's goals are international trade within the framework of international laws and regulations, as well as creating B2B and B2C transactions. By creating and establishing the international storeline site, the company intends to invite suppliers and traders of grade one and two in advanced industries to cooperate. This will lead to international relations and quality and safe purchases with high transfer speed at the international level. In various departments of the company, young and energetic forces with higher education, as well as in the logistics, insurance, exchange offices, and banks sectors, the best teams have been invited to extensive cooperation at the international level, which has created greater trust among traders and comfortable and quality purchases in the company. It is a matter of pride for the company that, alongside a very strong team in the field of production in various industries and creating cooperation, we can shine at the international level and implement our goals of recognizing the industry at the international level.
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